Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Beyond Our Pessimism

If you are a consumer of ‘News’ in our society you have probably developed a certain emotional and intellectual obliqueness to the repetition of adverse events coming at you constantly. Indeed you may have come to cultivate a lack of attachment to any and all the issues being exploited in order to grab your attention, just so you can maintain some modicum of balance in your perspective on life. This expressed indifference has become a defining feature of the attitude of many people in our world.

A significant number of people have come to the conclusion that their indifference is necessary in order to maintain their sanity in what many have come to regard as a crazy world. The conscious construction of this wall – this defense mechanism to keep the madness out – might seem necessary - but it is not our only option… nor is it the most viable one. Reality bites, but we can challenge ourselves to find creative ways to avoid being uncritical consumers of the menu of an unconscionable media culture focused solely on their bottom lines.

To be sure, there are things happening in our world that hold grave concerns for the future. There are enduring wars and strife. There are political dramas that raise questions about the assumptions we have cultivated about what constitutes good governance. Challenges to the foundational values that have come to underpin our political systems and the way we expect our societies to operate abound. Beyond the hypocrisies that are a part of the day to day relationships between political factions and nations, we continue to be concerned about the gross demonstrations of immorality and amorality in national and international affairs.

Bad news is a fact of life, but, thankfully, it is not the only news. While the reasons for pessimism persist, the necessity for optimism beckons. We may not be living in the best of times, but it is not true that we are in the worst of times. The dysfunctional perspectives that causes many to retreat are a fact of life; but cultivating hope for a more peaceful and conscientiously compassionate world is an ontological imperative we must not ignore.

Beyond the superficial national, regional, ethnic, political and religious demarcations that divide us, we are constantly being called to reach out and touch each other in recognition of that deeper connection which is our common humanity. That reaching out must be defined by a coupling of the needs we share, and the resources available to us. Resources… spiritual, material, intellectual… . 

The development and propagation of dynamic technologies, bring us closer to each other in our world. These technologies avail us of opportunities to break out of the isolationism that partners with ignorance to breed a pessimistic outlook on life. The quality of our intentions go a far way in determining the impact we make in our engagement with these technologies and each other. 

We can make choices in our engagement with each other that have positive rather than deleterious consequences for our corporate existence. The revolution in information technologies can facilitate the  sharing of our lives and concerns in ways that are uplifting, rather than cultivate the continued devolution of our communal experience. It is in large measure now up to each of us to develop the determination and the spiritual resourcefulness to take advantage of every opportunity to empower ourselves and each other.

Let us, as far as is humanly possible, do so.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Drought Broken


It is frightening…

The raw unfettered life-giving energy of lightning

With its spontaneous thunder

Breaks the air…

And speaks in violent monotones

To earth and sky and sea…

And all that in these dwell

The living… and the dead

It is quickening…

The juice of life that falls upon us

Without distinguishing the just from the unjust…

Quenches our thirsty ground

And grows with ever increasing fecundity

The seeds of man and beast…

And all that for these dwell

Of living…  and of dead

It is frightening…

It is quickening…

The raw unfettered juice of life that falls upon us

Distinguishing between the living and the dead…

It breaks the fear and makes us speak as men

To earth and sea and sky… and all that in these dwell

As living men who now know the fecundity of freedom

Men who no longer allow their seeds to fall… and perish…

On what for some… is fertile ground

*          *          * 

With freedom comes the quickening

Of an otherwise fettered life…

And they will know the frightening

Who once maintained the strife…

*          *          * 

It is violently magnificent

This flash and its accompanying roar… of truth

That signals the abolition of all the codes

That keep those in their place

Who for one reason… or other

Suffer for the inequities of their fathers…

Emancipation comes to all…

Who by omission or commission

Are residents of those barb-wired spaces in time…

Till now they have only existed…

And now… Now they are…

Quickened from the dead… they live again

And the sounds of drums you hear

Are amplified reproductions of their hearts’ beats…

We know that freedom is no gift

So we dance in celebration of our birthright…

*          *          * 

Speak my heart… 

Shake my world…

Shake my world of its complacency…

Rid my world of its indecency…

Speak my heart… Cause the spark that starts a fire

Build a ladder that takes me higher…

Higher than the fear that keeps my soul impounded…

That fear which keeps my spirit grounded…

Speak my heart… 

Cause my feet to listen

Inspire my hands to clear the way

That leads to the place where the lightning is stored…

Speak my heart… Speak and I will listen

Awaken now and quicken the living and the dead…

Break the drought that makes of my world

The valley of the shadows of death

Break free my heart

And quench this parched place in my soul…

Guide my feet to the place

Where living waters flow.

And now… Now I wait

From “In My Element

By - Roy Alexander Graham

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Of Magic and Miracles

My granddaughter Elle Sophia shares her ice cream with me.

5 Loaves, 2 Small Fish – Banquet for a Multitude?


The special appeal of magic is its disdain for facts. Faced with the inconvenient realities of Life, many would opt to wish them away rather than face them with the resolve it would take to change them. The magician’s greatest helper is the deep longing that many of us harbor to be able to shake our heads, blink a few times, and “Abracadabra!” our way to a whole new circumstance.

The art of producing an illusion has great appeal to those who would rather pull a rabbit out of a hat than engage in the arduous task of raising livestock. Magic therefore thrives in a culture where people tend to make themselves available to become believers in the craft of “make belief”. In the end they are entertained … but nothing changes. Magic is thus an attraction to a distraction.

Now miracles… are a whole different matter. Contrary to the assumptions of many, miracles and magic are totally different phenomena. Let me explain… and let me do so by revisiting a well known story from Christian literary traditions. I should point out that the first time I expounded on this matter I had the greater part of a rather conservative audience angry at my “unbelief”; the rest just wrote me off as a hopeless “communist”. In my own defense… I am neither. Furthermore, I reserve to myself the right, even the duty, to be reasonably critical concerning the dogma of the faithful of both sects. Instead of relating a synopsis of the story, let the text speak for itself:

 The Gospel According to John 6:5-15

When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?” 6 He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do. 7 Philip answered him, “It would take more than half a year’s wages to buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!” 8 Another of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up, 9 “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” 10 Jesus said, “Have the people sit down.” There was plenty of grass in that place, and they sat down (about five thousand men were there). 11 Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish. 12 When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” 13 So they gathered them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten. 14 After the people saw the sign Jesus performed, they began to say, “Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world.” 15 Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself.

 Sooo… Five barley loaves and two small fish … and more than 5000 people to be fed – (They did not count the women and children, but I don’t think that they would not feed them also). This by the same guy who is said to have turned water into wine. When you listen to the average preacher expound on this “miracle”, you are left with the unmistakable impression that after Jesus said the Grace – somehow these five loaves and two fish became enough food to feed that multitude with enough leftovers to fill 12 baskets.

A comparison of the text from all four Gospels reveals one critical difference about the “leftovers”. This account in the Gospel According to John is the only one that states specifically in verse 13 : “So they gathered them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten.” The other three Gospels say: “They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.” The critical point of departure here is that the other three Gospels do not claim as John does that the leftovers were of the five barley loaves etc …

Let us keep in mind that these are the actions of a man, Jesus, who during his famous Temptations refused, yes refused … to turn stones into bread!! The story goes on to note that after he performed this “sign” he withdrew to be by himself because he knew they would want to make him king for what they saw him do. Now my question is: Why would someone who rebuked the Devil for tempting him by asking that he perform some magic act that would feed a multitude now tempt people with a similar feat?

(One moment people… while I erect a shield to protect me from the stones.)

 I do not think that what actually transpired is what most preachers claim. 

There is nothing in this story that suggests that after Jesus prayed the items in front of him somehow inexplicably multiplied. These thousands of people knew about this man’s inspired work. They brought their family members to see and hear him… women and children included. They knew by now that this would not have been a brief affair. I think they came prepared, each wanting to gain something for self and family.

What are the chances that in a crowd this large only one single person, a young boy at that, had the good sense to come prepared for a long day by bringing lunch?

Oh… there was definitely more food in that crowd. Jesus knew this. That is why John accounts for the rhetorical question that he put to Phillip, knowing full well what needed to be done in such a situation. The resources to meet the needs of these people were right there among them. They came to see what Jesus could and would do for them. What was not accounted for in that transaction was the real issue of what they could do for each other. They came to get; what the multitude was not fully aware of at that point was the truism that “it is more blessed to give than to receive”. 

And so it was that those who came expecting to get something for self, found something even better. The Teacher … the Healer … brought about a new awareness of the communal benefits… the wonderful abundance … that can come from each one of us sharing the little we do have. Yes we are talking about the application of that old communal praxis: from each according to his ability – to each according to his need.

And that is what happened.

There was more available among the multitude on that day than what was initially brought forward. The teacher stilled their unfounded anxieties about having to share what they had. He made them sit down with each other in an organized way. He expanded their consciousness concerning the real connectedness they shared by pointing them to the true source of all things… our Heavenly Father who gives us this day our daily bread…

The ideal that is expressed in the idea “our father” – is one that recenters our attention on an aspiration to the greater benevolence that is expressed in a sense of kinship. Identifying ourselves with a Heavenly Father elicits a sense of spiritual kinship. It is this spiritual relatedness that makes us say we will feed the hungry, clothe the naked, provide healthcare for the sick, and bring solace to the broken-hearted.

Those who came for the magic that day rediscovered themselves as part of something wonderful that happened. And that my friends is the true meaning of the word miracle: something wonderful that happened. It is not the same as magic which is transitory and illusive. The power of miracles is in their ability to take our actions and their results to the realm of the extraordinary. It is a resignation to the assumed ordinariness of our lives that make us ignore each other’s needs. It is this ordinariness that numbs us to the real potential we each possess to make our world a more wonder-full place. This multitude became participants in a miracle.. a wonderful happening that they themselves were party to, and actors in. Indeed they came to realize what Jesus meant when he taught them: the kingdom of heaven is among you. The happening of this day was to be an enduring “sign” of that truth.

So… . Let us teach ourselves and our children the value and the power of sharing. We can make this miracle happen again and again in a world that is in many parts hungry for compassion… for healing… for comfort… for true leadership… and for fish and bread.

The work of creating a better world is not a calling to some magician’s spectacle. It is more substantially grounded in a commitment to … each one of us … becoming better persons. A dat mi a seh. (That’s all I’m saying)

Superman Is A Figment Of Our Collective Imagination…


Superman is a figment of our imagination, but even as such – he has his kryptonite. We are all prone to influences that have deleterious effects on us. Our ability to be the dynamic operators we wish to be in our various worlds has its ebbs and flows.

We are, without exception, worn by the various challenges that are ever present in the course of our lives. Those challenges come from within and without. They originate in our own deficiencies as individuals, and they come from the inevitable bruising of lives lived in the real world where things don’t always pan out according to our untested idealisms.

Beyond our desire to rise to every circumstance lies that bothersome reality that we are in fact breakable. We eventually discover, much to our chagrin, that we are vulnerable to the battering that comes our way in the course of the many transactions that we engage and that engage us. It therefore behooves us to periodically pause, and take stock of our need for repair.

Some Indicators of Our Wear and Tear…

That nagging headache. A developing tendency to snap at everyone about  everything. The repeated collisions of our feet and our other body parts with objects that more and more seem to be “in the way”. An inability to focus. Our creeping hypertension. The inability to summon the energy we need to get going at the start of our day. The fact that rest does not come when we lay down to sleep. The unwelcome observation that we are becoming more and more absent in our most intimate relationships. The deficit of joy that many around us now notice, and that we can feel in ourselves.

These are but a few of the indicators that become present in our lives when we are operating on the ragged edges of the wear and tear that is a natural part of being. And while it is natural that living will take its toll on us, continuing to operate in a state of disrepair should never become the norm… as so often it does.

Ignoring the need for personal repair can have disastrous consequences.

In the face of the many demands of life, there are times when we are required to pay attention to the signs and symptoms of developing dysfunctions in ourselves. These dysfunctions have physical, intellectual, and spiritual manifestations. They adversely affect our ability to get up and go. They present as distortions in judgment that render us unable to think straight about the most basic problems we face. Left unattended they cause us to fail in all the relationships essential to maintaining balance and to achieving the success we desire in our world.

To head off the very real breakdown that can result from being worn out, we must heed the squeaky noises coming from our own internal commotion. There comes a season to retreat from the ever-present demands of our lives that eventually wear us down. There comes a time to reflect  on our approach to things, and the results we have been harvesting for ourselves and in our relationships. These are prerequisite steps which must be taken if we are to renew ourselves in ways that will lead to the kind of revitalization that impacts positively on every aspect of our being in the world.

Remembering Yitzhak Rabin

(On the assassination of a moderate leader) Fanatics … Creating gods in their own image Fashioning revelations After the likeness of their v...