Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Media, Hate-mongering, and the Love of Money

Ultimately, corporate media is driven... in all things, by its profit motif. Those who own and operate the media complexes that muscle their way into our attention, have no more noble an aspiration than to maximize their profit potential. They know that it takes money to make money, and they are committed to the making of money by any means necessary.

To accomplish their goal, programmers must attract and hold our attention. The formula for doing so is a rather uncomplicated one... present more and more of the stuff that their core audience "love" to see and hear. Those who want truth and esthetically uplifting content will generally not be satisfied with the content on our most dominant networks. These networks feed at the bottom of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. They tap into the insecurities that drive those still focused on their own survival in a dog eat dog world, and cultivate their fears with an unrelenting persistence. 

A culture of insecurity has become the desired environment for those who seek to profit from an audience still preoccupied with issues of its own basic survival. Through well honed "dog whistles", groups are turned against groups. The crass political banter that passes as "discussion" on daily news programs are just representations of this dynamic. The most basic of our human concerns are exploited through the grossest of our individual instincts. Our need to procreate and our anxieties about our ultimate decline become the triggers that get us to act out against each other in the cultural and political arena. 

Sex and violence... Self-propagation and death... These are the triggers constantly being fingered to keep us on the edge of our existential seats. From cartoons to fake reality shows; every dramatic medium is utilized to cultivate mindsets that then become the agencies of the mayhem that we witness all too often in our society.

Our preoccupation with the underlying insecurities in our psyches is what explains the phenomenal rise of politicians who exploit the insecurities of a declining middle class. By generalizing about immigrants as "rapists" and "murderers", these charlatans tap into and exploit the most basic fears of the group they see as their ticket to the the top of the political hill. The whores in corporate media then partner with their political counterparts in the enterprise of hate-mongering to maximize their audience share... and therefore their profit margins. 

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