Saturday, February 2, 2019

The Journey To Your Authentic Self

One’s name is a semantic basket filled with the seeded expectations based on how one is perceived, and who one is expected to be. In many instances, it is a summary of the hopes and dreams that are held sacred on your behalf by your ancestors. For these reasons many put appropriate thought and research into choosing names for their newborns.

Many of us are not aware of the significance of being called by a certain chosen word. Some of us love, and seek to live into the aspirations implicit in the word to which we answer. Some of us hate our names for a number of reasons and express a desire to change them. And then there are those who actually reject their given names and set out to rename themselves. Those who do so usually have in mind very specific historical, philosophical, and esthetic reasons why such a change is necessary. Of course there are those who have no clue that their names are actually words that mean something specific.

--If you do not know who you are... you will end up as someone else. If you do not know where you are going... you will end up someplace else--

The statements above express the ultimate dilemma of a lost soul. To choose to limit ourselves to the name or names that we have been given is to give up the power that we have to be everything we can be. That kind of nonchalance denies us the promise of realizing our fullest potential.

We have heard it said that knowledge of self is a gateway to the state of being we call God. This is true. When we, in our most vulnerable moment, demand a response to the question as to the name and nature of God ~ we hear the resounding answer - “I Am”... And when we insist on a more complete answer to that question we are met with the poetically bountiful- “I Am, that I am”. What else are we… but what we truly are? And who are you… besides who you really are?

Our most meaningful lives begin with the existential conjugation of the verb “to be” :
I am,
You are,
He, She, It… is.
A deeply meaningful connection with our sense of I AM is absolutely necessary to the operation of the Creative Power in our lives. That Power functions to bring into being our deepest desires. That Creative Power… not some bearded antiquity… is the Source, in all of us, of all we can be. It is from this Power Within that comes everything, good and bad, that manifests in our lives. It is from this Power that comes our ability to direct the course of our lives.

We are constantly experiencing opportunities to change, to grow. In the truest sense of the word, life is a journey of discovery. The mantra of the soul in discovery mode... the soul that would claim her or his power to be, is courage. Contrary to the belief that many have come to assume to be true, there is nothing inevitable about our destinies.

We have heard many people put forward the false notion that our journey and destination in this life is set. Some people believe that one's fate is always predetermined and that there is nothing one can do about it. To live meaningfully, we must divest ourselves of the untruth of such a way of thinking. As a way of effecting the release from such ideas, one must courageously apply oneself to the discipline necessary to do so. That discipline can be expressed as a commitment to a specific Mantra.

Mantras are understood to be powerful words/ideas that we repeat verbally and in our actions. To adapt to the Mantra of Courage is to walk step by fateful step into a future full of possibility. It is to moment by moment, event by event ~ deny the hold that fear would have on us. Through the repetition of a mantra, the meanings and manifestations of the ideas we want to commit to are imprinted in our subconscious. In time they become the template for the change that we desire in ourselves. With mantras, as with everything else, practice makes perfect.

Through the daily practice of our mantric exercise we are able to create a new template by which we connect with our most deeply held intentions. This eventuates because we are actually inducing a deep connection with the Creative Spirit… the Breath Of God from within… the Source of everything in the universe of our lives. That Breath “moves upon the face of the Deep” in our life experiences… deep discord, deep disappointments, deep hurts, deep confusion, deep fear… . It creates order out of chaos, it separates light from darkness, it directs us to “be fruitful and multiply”. The Creative Breath within us replaces the fruits of fear in our interactions with each other and the world, with the abundance of Love.

The more adept we become at connecting with this deeper consciousness of life, the more we are able to silence the ideas that are contrary to our most deeply held ideals. This deeper consciousness of life empowers us to name our selves.

Your name is a statement about who you are… or it should be.

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