Thursday, December 12, 2019

Theater of the Absurd

The Judas Cradle used in the Spanish Inquisition 

Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities —Voltaire

We should be vigilant in our critique, and strident in our opposition to those in positions of leadership among us who demonstrate the kind of amorality that expresses itself as a total disregard for the values on which sustainable societies are built.

Such characters are leeches on the body politic of any society. They are nothing more than vampires who operate in the dark to sustain their vile interests, and the interests of those they serve. They have no regard for anything held sacred by those who work to create and maintain civil society. We have a duty to shine a bright light on them and their deeds, and expose them to the just consequences of their corrupted essence.

How do we recognize them? By their deeds. The truth is uncomplicated. 

When a person who has lied all his life presents himself from some artificial height and declares that he is the most honest person ever… watch out. When a known thief recommends himself as the greatest accountant ever… take heed. When a whoremonger, a rapist and a child abuser presents himself as the best parent in the history of the world… beware. When a hateful, bigoted, nasty purveyor of mischief hoists himself up as a candidate for the highest office in the land… such a person should be rejected out of hand. 

Make no mistake about it, such characters are dangerous. In the interest of civility we must reject them in no uncertain terms. As a society we make a tragic mistake when we cuddle those who care about nothing but their own narrow interests, and the interests of the corrupt co-conspirators who share their twisted sense of reality.

A society that ignores the obvious malfeasance of persons who lie with the utmost ease, and often, will no doubt pay the tragic consequences. Worse still are the consequences for a society in which the absurd behaviors of a corrupted few are rationalized and adopted as convenient norms. The dangers for such a society are underlined in the quote from Voltaire… 

Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities”.

And so the question for us becomes… the dilemma we must confront is: 

What will we become to each other when we accept the corrupt presentations of reality that derive from the absurd behavior of amoral characters?

Be warned. Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.

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